导航:全球石油化工网 >> 产品频道 >> 通用设备及材料 >> 压缩机 >> 空气压缩机
 品牌:   正力  润滑方式:   60
 工作原理:   固定式压缩机  压缩介质:   小型
 用途:   低噪音、其他  总质量:   900*560*800 (kg)
 外观尺寸:   风动工具、纺织机械用、轮胎充气用、塑料机械用压缩机、医用压缩机、喷砂、喷漆用、其他 (mm)  噪音:   7.5 (dB)
 性能:   涡旋压缩机  外形尺寸(长*宽*高):   机油润滑空压机 (mm)
 排气量大小:   全新  产品类型:   风冷式
 传动方式:   联轴器传动  冷却方式:   空气
 储气罐容积:   0.8 (m3)  功率:   OX-1.1/8 (Kw)
 排气量:   (m3/min)  排气压力:   (MPa)
 吸气压力:   (Mpa)   

正力精工空压机特点结构优点:1、噪音低,排气连续稳定,无运动部件的敲击声和气流爆破声          2、可靠耐用,结构简单,运动部件少,轴承受力小,运转平稳,动静盘不接触耐磨损          3、维护费用低,主机零件少,无易损件,仅正常保养          4、能耗最低,容积率高达98%,无摩擦损失,机械效率高,无吸排气阀的阻力损失涡旋机技术优势活塞机易损件多,噪音大,维护费用高,寿命短螺杆机加工精度高,加工成本大,在小排量范围无性价比优势涡旋机噪音低、运转平稳、可靠性高、维护费用低、节能环保涡旋机将在小排量机型中逐步取代活塞机而成为市场主流 产品规格 型号                 OX-0.8/8        OX-1.1/8       OX-1.6/8       OX-2.2/8排气量(m3/min)       0.82             1.1           1.65            2.2排气压力(MPa)        0.8             0.8            0.8             0.8供气温度(℃)                    环境温度+50噪音dB(A)                    (57~62)±3供气含油量(ppm)                 ≤3微油          转速(r/min)              3000电动机     功率(KW/HP)5.5/7.5      7.5/10           11/15          15/20          启动方式                直接启动直联长×宽×高(mm)        900*560*800                    1200*710*1000重量(kg)            228             238             400           420 产品优势1、 节能:1m3每小时省1.5度电2、 静音:噪音低至(57~62)Db(A)3、 耐用:排气量长期稳定,无易损件,动静盘不接触运转4、 可靠:通过3000小时重负荷严格测试10000次重复开启无磨损5、 经济:省电,维护费用低只需保养更换三滤和油6、 环保:节能、静音,压缩空气含油3ppm内 系统操作简便,人性程度高1、 微电脑控制,中文信息显示2、 系统自动控制及多项保护功能3、 系统可实现即开即停 节能水平1、以1.1立方/0.8Mpa为例,正力涡旋机比普通活塞机每小时省电达到1.5度以上2、每年运行300天,每天运行10小时,1台机器一年可节省用电4500度以上3、每年运行350天,每天运行24小时,一台机器一年可节省用电12600以上聚鑫元机械设备商行是一家经销空气压缩机、干燥机及净化经销设备的商行,有多种品牌的空气压缩机,配件,螺杆机耗材,所供应的空压机都品质优良,节能,环保,省电,高效,空压机后处理设备,经济实惠,保质保量,空压机品牌有上海德哈哈螺杆式空压机,苏州普度螺杆式空压机,聚才空压机,正力精工涡旋式空压机,广州空压机,宏金龙空压机,星豹牌空压机,无油空压机,防爆空压机,深水泵,真空泵,螺杆式空压机专用润滑油,高级冷却液,活塞式空压机专用油,批发活塞式空压机配件、螺杆式空压机保养耗材,进口空压机配件和耗材,螺杆式空压机转子维修,具有同行业标准,值得客户信赖,本商行具有强有力的售后服务体系,无论售前、售中、售后只要客户要求设备技术上的帮助可咨询本商行,商行将无偿提供有关的技术方案,在接到用户设备发生故障的通报,商行派经验丰富的维修技师,24小时上门服务,现场维修。聚鑫元本着“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”的理念,为广大客户提供一系列符合国际ISO标准的优质产品,真诚为客户提供完善的售后服务。Gathers the Xin Yuan mechanical device firm is sells on commission the air compressor, the dryer and the purification sells on commission equipment's firm, has many kinds of brand air compressors, the fitting, the screw rod machine consumes the material, supplies the air compressor is excellent in quality, the energy conservation, the environmental protection, saves the electricity, highly effective, air compressor post-processing equipment, economical, maintains quality and quantity, the air compressor brand has the Shanghai Germany ha screw rod type air compressor, Suzhou brings salvation to the screw rod type air compressor, gathers only then the air compressor, in force exquisite vortex type air compressor, Guangzhou air compressor, the great Jinlong air compressor, the star leopard sign air compressor, the non-oil air compressor, guards against explosions the air compressor, deep water pump, vacuum pump, screw rod type air compressor special-purpose lubricating oil, high-quality refrigerant, plunger-type air compressorThe special oil used, the wholesale plunger type air compressor fitting, the screw rod type air compressor maintenance consumes the material, imports the air compressor fitting and consumes the material, the screw rod type air compressor rotor service, has the same profession standard, is worth the customer faith, this firm has the powerful post-sale service system, regardless of pre-sale, sells, post-sale so long as the customer requests in the equipment technology the help to be possible to consult this firm, the firm free will provide the related technical program, is receiving the subscriber's equipment to have the breakdown notification, the firm sends the experienced service technician, 24 hours visit to serve, line maintenance. Gathers the Xin origin “to strive for the survival by the quality, strives for the development by the prestige” the idea, provides for the general customers a series of conforms to the international ISO standard quality product, provides the consummation sincerely for the customer the post-sale service.


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