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 特性:   D-SUB(VGA)  制作工艺:   熔接
 接口类型:   汽车  形状:   防潮
 应用范围:   条形  针数:   无(mm)
 线长:   磷青铜、铍铜 ((mm))  芯数:   无
 绝缘体材质:   12  接触件材质:   无

 、此规格适用于“汽车排插连接器”系列This spec is applicable for “car line connector”series.  二、额定值:DC  34V   2ANorminal Rating:  DC  34V  2A 三、构造(Struction)3.1形状,尺寸根据图纸确定( Form, dimension according to the drawing).3.2各部分无生锈、裂痕、电镀不良现象(Without rust and oxydation、crack、defective electric plating in all parts)3.3适应基板厚度(Applicble pc board thickness):1.6mm 四、温度范围(Temperature range):-25°C~85°C; 五、材质( Material)5.1塑胶:PBT Plastic (part: PBT)5.2端子:磷青铜、铍铜(Terminal:Be-bronze、Phosphor-bronze); 六、电气性能(Electrical Characteristics)NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 6.1接触阻抗contact impedance公座和母座导体之间的接触电阻(Measured the resistance of mated Pin Header ) 30毫欧以下(below 30mΩ)6.2绝缘阻抗insulation impedance在端子之间和端子与壳之间加DC500V条件下持续1分钟测量among terminals or between terminal and shell, under condition  of DC500V ,last 1min to test1000兆欧以上( above100MΩ)6.3耐电压disruptive test在端子之间和端子与壳之间加AC 500V(50H或60H)条件下持续1分钟测量among terminals or between terminals and shell, under condition of AC 500V(50H or 60H),last 1min to test无击穿现象出现( without disruptive ) 七、机械性能( Mechancial Character)NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 7.1插入力与拔出力度insert and pull out用配套插头插入插座再从中拔出;测量插入和拔出的作用力make the the force of insert the socket and pullout插入力度:0.7Kgfmax insert force: 0.7Kgf MAX拔出力度:0.3Kgf-2.6Kgf pullout force : 0.3Kgf to 2.6 Kgf7.2端子强度 terminal strength顺端子弹力方向施加500g力条件下持续10秒 add 0.5Kgf along the terminal spring , last 10 seconds未有裂纹与失去弹性 wiouth fault trace, still with elastic sensation 八、环境试验(Environmental Performance) NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 8.1耐高温试验 hight temperature resistance test在环境中放96小时,再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试Test after lasting 96hours under 90±2°C,and then staying 30mins under normal environment无任何迹象显示机械及电气性能损坏(mechanical characteristic &electrical characteristic are well  )8.2耐低温试验 low temperature resistance test在-20±3°C环境中放96小时,再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试Test after lasting 96hours under -20±3°C,and then staying 30mins under normal environment8.3盐雾试验salt spray test把试验样品从试验箱悬挂起来,采用浓度为(5±0.1)%(质量百分比)的氯化纳溶液连续雾化16小时,试验后用流动的蒸溜水轻轻洗去表面沉积物,在常温条件下恢复1-2小时hang up the sample for 16hours in the test box of (5±0.1)%(mass percent) NaCl solution, after that flush away the surfacial deposit lightly with running distilled water; finally, under normal environment, make it lay 1-2 hours外观无损伤(五金件应无露出底金属的严重锈蚀,使用预定好的型材,其落料而允许有不影响其性能的轻微腐蚀) the sample apperance surface is well, non-corroded.(the inside metal of the metal part isn’t badly corroded, slight corrode is possible ,but it doesn’t influence the character. 九、其它试验(Other Characteristic)NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 9.1可焊性试验 weldability test将端子顶部浸入焊锡池2MM深;温度270±5°C;时间2±0.5秒 infusion the terminal top into soldering acid 2M deep; termperature: 270±5°C ;duraton: 2±0.5 seconds浸入部分90%以上表面被锡覆盖 90% of the part infused is plating by tin9.2寿命试验life testing在无负荷条件下以每分钟15-18次的速度操作10000次 under unloaded condition ,working ten thousand times at the speed of 15-18 times per min接触阻抗150毫欧,变化范围初始值(30%)contact resistance < 150mΩ>,variation range initial value(30%) 一、此规格适用于“汽车排插”系列This spec is applicable for “car line connector”series.  二、额定值:DC  34V   2ANorminal Rating:  DC  34V  2A 三、构造(Struction)3.1形状,尺寸根据图纸确定( Form, dimension according to the drawing).3.2各部分无生锈、裂痕、电镀不良现象(Without rust and oxydation、crack、defective electric plating in all parts)3.3适应基板厚度(Applicble pc board thickness):1.6mm 四、温度范围(Temperature range):-25°C~85°C; 五、材质( Material)5.1塑胶:PBT Plastic (part: PBT)5.2端子:磷青铜、铍铜(Terminal:Be-bronze、Phosphor-bronze); 六、电气性能(Electrical Characteristics)NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 6.1接触阻抗contact impedance公座和母座导体之间的接触电阻(Measured the resistance of mated Pin Header ) 30毫欧以下(below 30mΩ)6.2绝缘阻抗insulation impedance在端子之间和端子与壳之间加DC500V条件下持续1分钟测量among terminals or between terminal and shell, under condition  of DC500V ,last 1min to test1000兆欧以上( above100MΩ)6.3耐电压disruptive test在端子之间和端子与壳之间加AC 500V(50H或60H)条件下持续1分钟测量among terminals or between terminals and shell, under condition of AC 500V(50H or 60H),last 1min to test无击穿现象出现( without disruptive ) 七、机械性能( Mechancial Character)NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 7.1插入力与拔出力度insert and pull out用配套插头插入插座再从中拔出;测量插入和拔出的作用力make the the force of insert the socket and pullout插入力度:0.7Kgfmax insert force: 0.7Kgf MAX拔出力度:0.3Kgf-2.6Kgf pullout force : 0.3Kgf to 2.6 Kgf7.2端子强度 terminal strength顺端子弹力方向施加500g力条件下持续10秒 add 0.5Kgf along the terminal spring , last 10 seconds未有裂纹与失去弹性 wiouth fault trace, still with elastic sensation 八、环境试验(Environmental Performance) NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 8.1耐高温试验 hight temperature resistance test在环境中放96小时,再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试Test after lasting 96hours under 90±2°C,and then staying 30mins under normal environment无任何迹象显示机械及电气性能损坏(mechanical characteristic &electrical characteristic are well  )8.2耐低温试验 low temperature resistance test在-20±3°C环境中放96小时,再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试Test after lasting 96hours under -20±3°C,and then staying 30mins under normal environment8.3盐雾试验salt spray test把试验样品从试验箱悬挂起来,采用浓度为(5±0.1)%(质量百分比)的氯化纳溶液连续雾化16小时,试验后用流动的蒸溜水轻轻洗去表面沉积物,在常温条件下恢复1-2小时hang up the sample for 16hours in the test box of (5±0.1)%(mass percent) NaCl solution, after that flush away the surfacial deposit lightly with running distilled water; finally, under normal environment, make it lay 1-2 hours外观无损伤(五金件应无露出底金属的严重锈蚀,使用预定好的型材,其落料而允许有不影响其性能的轻微腐蚀) the sample apperance surface is well, non-corroded.(the inside metal of the metal part isn’t badly corroded, slight corrode is possible ,but it doesn’t influence the character. 九、其它试验(Other Characteristic)NO测试项目Test Item试验方法及条件(Test Condition & Method)规格Standard 9.1可焊性试验 weldability test将端子顶部浸入焊锡池2MM深;温度270±5°C;时间2±0.5秒 infusion the terminal top into soldering acid 2M deep; termperature: 270±5°C ;duraton: 2±0.5 seconds浸入部分90%以上表面被锡覆盖 90% of the part infused is plating by tin9.2寿命试验life testing在无负荷条件下以每分钟15-18次的速度操作10000次 under unloaded condition ,working ten thousand times at the speed of 15-18 times per min接触阻抗150毫欧,变化范围初始值(30%)contact resistance < 150mΩ>,variation range initial value(30%)


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