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 型号:   口臭±1级,酒精±5%  品牌:   口气/酒精测试仪
 电源:   105mm*40mm*18mm  电压:   HT-01 (v)
 类型:   二节7号电池  外形尺寸:   所有人群 ((mm))
 重量:   0-199mg/100ml (kg)  测量对象:   0.04

    四川科学城海天电器有限责任公司 SICHUANSCIENCE TOWNHAITIAN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD口气/酒精测试仪使用说明书Halitosis/Alcohol Tester Manual使用前请仔细阅读此说明书Please read this manual before using口气/酒精测试显示状态Halitosis/Alcohol TesterDisplay Status       口气测试Halitosis test test test酒精测试Alcohol test Halitosis 01 Halitosis 02 Halitosis 03 Halitosis 04 Halitosis  05  Halitosis  06 电量不足报警Low battery alarm酒精浓度超限报警Alcohol over alarm  口气测试状态Halitosis test state吹气状态Air blowing condition显示状态Display condition预热状态Pre-heating condition 酒精测试状态Alcohol test state预热状态Pre-heating condition 显示状态Display condition 吹气状态Air blowing condition 1、礼仪检测健康清爽每一天。在与人打交道或与重要的人见面时,如果有一点不安,请检测一下口内是否有不好的气味,做为社会人士,您留给他人的印象就会有所提升。                                  1. Etiquette test makes everyday healthy and fresh. When you come into contact with people or meet with important persons, please test whether you have halitosis in advance, because as a social person your impression will be promoted if you did so.2、平时要经常检查口内气味,特别是清晨未进食时检查,有助于判断口腔内疾病(如:臭蛋味,粪便味,臭肉味),糖尿病(如:水果味,丙酮味),肾功能衰竭(如:鱼腥味),肝硬化(如:硫磺味)等。如果很严重,请看医生做进一步检查,有助于身体康。                                    2. Test regularly, especially before taking any food in the morning. It can diagnose oral diseases (if having rotten eggs odors, feces odors, or bad meat odors), diabetes (such as fruit odors and acetone odors), renal failure (such as fishy odors), hepatic cirrhosis (such as sulfuric odors), etc. If necessary, please go to see a doctor and it is helpful to your health.3、即使是自己没觉察到的口内气味,用口气/酒精检测仪仅用15秒就能测定并很清楚的表示出来。口臭检测由易理解的6个等级表示【1、▋没气味,2、▋轻微,3、▋只有一点,4、▋有气味,5、▋很臭,6、▋非常臭】,酒精测试模式不仅有10个等级表示还能显示测定值,测定值的单位是mg/100ml,测定值的大小对应的是附表一(中国国家标准GA307-2001)血液中酒精浓度值,【1,▋0-19,2,▋20-39,3,▋40-59,4,▋60-79,5,▋80-99,6,▋100-119,7,▋120-139,8,▋140-159,9,▋160-179,10,▋180-199】.3. The test of your breath can be done quickly. The odors that you are unaware of can be easily detected out within just 15 seconds (by Halitosis Tester) and displayed intuitively. There are six distinct levels for halitosis【1▋no odors, 2▋slight, 3▋a little, 4▋with odors, 5▋with strong odors, 6▋with severe odors.】In the alcohol test mode, there has not only 10 levels but also can display the test result in a unit of mg/100ml, which corresponds to the alcohol concentration in blood as listed in the appendix table I (China Standard GA307-2001)【1▋0-19, 2▋20-39, 3▋40-59, 4▋60-79, 5▋80-99, 6▋100-119, 7▋120-139, 8▋140-159, 9▋160-179, 10▋180-199.】4、酒精测试显示值≥20mg/100ml时会有报警声和▽闪烁,当酒精测试显示值≥80mg/100ml时会有急促报警声和▽闪烁。当电池电压不足时,电池符号“ ”会闪烁,请及时更换电池。                                        4. When the alcohol test is ≥20mg/100ml, there will be an alarm and▽is flashing. When the alcohol test is ≥80mg/100ml, there will be an urgent alarm with a flashing▽. The battery sign“”will flash when the battery is under voltage, please replace the batteries then.5、有很多人想开怀畅饮但又怕喝醉,有时以为自己酒醒了,可是体内意外的还残留着酒精,难受的宿醉等损害身体健康的情况时有发生,每当此时您应该仔细的检测自己饮酒的程度,仅仅吹口气,醉酒的程度就可以用10个等级和数值表示出来。5. Many people want to drink happily, but they worry about getting drunk. They think they have sobered up, but alcohol actually is still in their body. There are not only terrible hangovers but also it does damage to your health. You should pay attention to testing alcohol regularly. With just blowing the tester, the alcohol will be displayed by 10 levels with numerical value。6、由于口气/酒精测试仪有带背景灯的LED画面,即便在夜晚也能看得很清楚(在不使用的情况下自动关机,为您省电)。6. Halitosis Tester has a LED panel with background light, so it is easy to read it even at night (if you do not use it for a while, it will turn off automatically to save electricity.)7、操作说明口气测试:按一下开关,会显示5,4,3,2,1,0,倒计时结束后显示000并有“滴、滴”提示音结束后,进入哈气测量阶段,嘴对准本机进气口,哈气5秒以上,“滴”提示音结束后显示测量值,5秒后自动断电停机。酒精测试:连按两下开关,会显示5,4,3,2,1,0,倒计时结束后会显示000并有“滴、滴”提示音结束后,进入哈气测量阶段,嘴对准本机进气口,哈气5秒以上,“滴”提示音结束后显示测量值,5秒后自动断电停机。(建议饮酒30分钟后再进行测试)。7. Operating instruction:Halitosis Test: Press the switch once, it will show a 5-second countdown (5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0) and then shows “000” with two prompt tones in the end and enters the blowing phase. Now please put your mouth to the tester airinlet and blow it more than 5 seconds. Then it will show the numerical value with one prompt tone for 5 seconds. After that it will turn off by itself.Alcohol Test: Press the switch twice, it will show a 5-second countdown (5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0) and then shows “000” with two prompt tones in the end and enters the blowing phase. Now please put your mouth to the tester airinlet and blow it more than 5 seconds. Then it will show the numerical value after one prompt tone for 5 seconds. After that it will turn off by itself. (Tips: To do the test after 30 minutes of drinking.)8、其它事项:由于本产品口气/酒精测试仪共用一只传感器,因而在酒精挡测口臭或在口气挡测酒精都会有显示值,但都不是真实值的表示,请使用者正确选择口气/酒精挡位。同时使用人员酒后测口臭,显示的是口臭值,而非酒精浓度,没饮酒使用人员测酒精含量会显示低值(0-20)酒精浓度,这并非是表示您饮酒,而是您口气太重。(温馨提示:测试仪长时间未用或每次使用前;应反复开机至自动关机二次以上,再进行测试,这样的测试数据会更准确。本产品严禁跌落,请注意保护!)8. Other items: Since Halitosis/Alcohol Tester shares one sensor, if halitosis test is conducted in the alcohol mode, or alcohol test is conducted in the halitosis mode, the tester will display some numerical values, but they are meaningless. Please perform the Halitosis/Alcohol test in the corresponding mode. Meanwhile, when you test halitosis after drinking alcohol, the breath numerical value will be displayed instead of the alcohol concentration. When you test the alcoholicity without drinking alcohol, a low alcohol concentration (0-20) also will be displayed, which does not mean you drink alcohol but because of your strong breath odors. (Tips: If you haven’t used the tester for a while, you should turn on the tester and wait until it turns off by itself more than 2 times before you do the test. This will make the displayed numerical value more accurate. CAUTION: No Falling!)9、规格: Specification:量程:口臭六级,酒精十级和具体数字(0-200mg/100ml)Measuring range: Halitosis 6 levels, Alcohol 10 levels with numerical value (0-200mg/100ml).计测精密度:口臭±1级,酒精±5%Measuring precision: Halitosis ±1 level, Alcohol ±5%.使用温度:0-35℃Operation Temperature: 0-35℃测定时间:预热:10秒,测量5秒,显示5秒Test time: pre-heating: 10 seconds, measurement: 5 seconds, display: 5 seconds.产品尺寸:105mm*40mm*18mmProduct dimension:105mm*40mm*18mm产品重量:30g (不含电池)Product weight: 30g (without battery).主要材料:主要材料ABSMain material: ABS品名:口气/酒精测试仪Name: Halitosis/Alcohol Tester制造商:四川科学城海天电器有限责任公司Manufacturer: Sichuan Science Town Haitian Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd.制造地:中国Manufacture place: China外包装尺寸:160mm×130mm×45mmExternal package dimension: 160mm×130mm×45mm附属品:7号电池(2节)、挂绳Accessories:R03(2batteries) and one lanyard注意事项:饮酒驾驶是违法行为。饮酒后无论是否使用本产品进行酒精测试,对于酒后驾驶等法律所禁止的行为,制造商和贩卖商都不承担任何责任。酒精模式仅是做为检测口中酒精含量的工具;并不是用来判定是否饮酒的依据。(口臭、人对食物的味道感觉、饮酒时身体对酒精的吸收程度等都有个体差异,因此,本机显示的值仅供参考)Notice: Drink-driving is illegal. No matter you have used this product or not, the manufacturer and seller have NO responsibilities for any drink-driving or actions that are prohibited by law. The alcohol tester is just a tool to check the alcohol odors in mouth, which is by no means the benchmark to judge whether you drink or not. (There are individual differences for halitosis, food odors, and alcohol absorption as you drinking. Therefore, the numerical value displayed by the tester is only for your reference. )  附表一Appendix Table I呼出气体酒精浓度与血液酒精浓度对照表(中国标准GA307-2001)Comparison Table of the Alcohol Concentration in Breath Air and the Alcohol Concentration in Blood (China Standard GA307-2001)No.序号呼出气体中酒精浓度Alcohol Concentration in Breath Air mg/L血液中酒精浓度 Alcohol Concentration in Blood mg/100mL备注Remark10.02275安全ok20.04541030.06811540.090920   饮酒Drinking50.11362560.13633070.15913580.18184090.204545100.227250110.250055120.272760130.295465140.318170150.340975160.363680 醉酒Drunk170.386385180.409190190.431895200.4515100210.6618150220.9091200


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