·钻井英语1000句, |
资料格式:doc |
上 传 者:heyangdr |
下载次数:19 |
上传时间:2011-05-23 20:58:40 |
1. 我是司钻,你是钻工。I’m a driller. You are a roughneck.
2.我们是钻工,你们是机工。We're fIoormen. You are motormen.
3.你不是技师。You are not a tool pusher.
4.你们不是司机。You are not motormen.
5.他不在钻台上。He is not on the drill f1oor.
6.他们在泥浆罐上。They are on the mud tank.
7.你是技术员吗? 是的,我是。Are you a technician? Yes, I am.
8.你们是工程师吗? 不, 我们不是。Are you engineers? N0, we are not.
9.这是什么? What is this?
10.这是一个喷射式钻头。This is a jet bit.
11.这些是什么? What are these?
12.这些是接头和配合接头(大小头)。These are subs and X-overs(crossovers)
13.那些是什么? What are those?
14.那些是提升短节。Those are lift subs.
15.这是卡瓦,对吗?It is a slip, isn't it?
16.那些是安全卡瓦和吊卡,对吧? Those are safety slips and elevators, aren’t they?
17.他们是干什么的? What are they?
18.他们是我们的领导和参观人员。They are our leaders and visitors.
19.这个技师的名字叫刘林。The name of the tool pusher is Liulin.
20.这些不是这个电机的开关。These are not the switches
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