Oil and gas properties have had our professional interest for the past 25 years. With this book we
want to share our experience with others interested in this fascinating subject. We first became
interested in oil and gas properties in the late 1970s when the oil and gas production from the North
Sea had just started. The oil companies operating in that region were facing practical problems not
seen anywhere before. New technical solutions had to be invented to make the oil production com-
petitive with that from other regions. After a few years it became common practice in the North Sea
to transport untreated multiphase well streams over long distances in subsea pipelines connecting
smaller fields with existing process facilities. At the temperature of the sea bottom, an untreated well
stream may undergo all kinds of phase transitions. The standard PVT experiments that had developed
in the oil industry did not cover phase behavior at seabed temperature and did not take into consid-
eration that a well stream often carries formation water from a water zone beneath the oil zone.