Preface to the Fourth Edition ix
Preface to the Fifth Edition xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Outline and Approach 1
1.2 Safety 2
1.3 Field Behaviour 4
1.4 A Few Words of Comfort 5
2 Field Equipment 6
2.1 Hammers and Chisels 6
2.2 Compasses and Clinometers 8
2.3 Hand Lenses 13
2.4 Tapes 14
2.5 Map Cases 14
2.6 Field Notebooks 15
2.7 Scales 16
2.8 Protractors 16
2.9 Pencils, Erasers and Mapping Pens 17
2.10 Acid Bottles 18
2.11 Global Positioning System (GPS) and Mobile Phones 19
2.12 Other Instruments 23
2.13 Field Clothing 26
3 Topographic Base Maps 27
3.1 Types of Geological Map 27
3.2 Topographic Base Maps 29
3.3 Geographic Coordinates and Metric Grids 30
3.4 Grid Magnetic Angle 33
3.5 Position Finding on Maps 34
3.6 Use of Air Photography as a Mapping Tool 43
3.7 Suitability of Images for Geological Mapping 48
4 Methods of Geological Mapping 50
4.1 Strategy for the Mapping Programme 50
4.2 Mapping by Following Contacts 51