
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2019-03-01  来源:cippe组委会  关注度:0]
摘要: 一年一度的世界石油装备大会第十九届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会(cippe2019)将于3月27-29日在北京顺义新国展举行。华油惠博普集团将亮相本届展会,展位号:E1211。 华油惠博普集团成立于19...



华油惠博普集团成立于1998年,是一家国际化的油气资源开发及利用综合解决方案服务商,致力于为全球客户提供高效、清洁的能源及能源生产方式。该公司主营业务分为三大板块:油气工 程及服务(EPCC)、环境工程及服务、油气资源开发及利用一体化服务。

China Oil HBP Group, founded in 1998, is an international service provider of integrated solutions for oil and gas resource development and utilization, dedicated to providing global customers with efficient, clean energy and energy production methods. Our main business is divided into three major sectors:

Oil-Gas Engineering & Services(EPCC), Environmental Engineering & Services, Integrated Services for the Development & Utilization of Oil and Gas Resources.


北京总部 Headquarter-in-Beijing

华油惠博普集团总部设在中国北京,共拥有50家全资及控股子公司,10家参股公司,在中东、中亚、非洲等地设有分、子公司及办事处,员工总数2000余人。2011年2月25日,惠博普在深圳 证券交易所上市,股票代码:002554。

Headquartered in Beijing, China, HBP, currently, has 50 wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries, 10 joint-stock companies.

HBP`s subsidiaries and branch offices are spread over the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa,etc., with more than 2,000 employees totally. On 25 February, 2011, HBP was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange with stock code: 002554.


布局图 Market Layout

惠博普的产品和服务已在中国陆上和海上油气田应用,并在全球30多个产油国的近50个油田广泛应用。其中国际市场以中东、中亚、非洲、南亚为核心,在阿联酋、哈萨克斯坦、非洲设有区 域管理中心。

HBP's products and services have been used in onshore and offshore oil and gas fields in China, and also widely used in nearly 50 oil fields in more than 30 oil producing countries worldwide. Among them, HBP takes the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and South Asia as the core international markets, and regional management centers has been set up in the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and Africa.


巴基斯坦NASHPA天然气处理EPCC工程 Natural Gas Treatment EPCC Project for NASHPA Oil Field in Pakistan


伊拉克米桑天然气脱酸EPCC工程 Natural Gas Deacidification EPCC Project for Missan Oil field in Iraq


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