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国民油井华高: 挑战中把握机遇

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摘要:国民油井华高: 挑战中把握机遇 National Oilwell Varco: Grasping Opportunity while Meeting Challenge □ 本刊记者 姜娜 译 覃珧 Reporter Ji...
国民油井华高: 挑战中把握机遇
National Oilwell Varco: Grasping Opportunity while Meeting Challenge

□ 本刊记者 / 姜娜 译 / 覃珧 Reporter / Jiang Na Translator / Qin Yao 

来源:《石油与装备》/ 振威石油网

                         TDX-1250  1250吨顶驱














                         ST-80C   便携式铁钻工



  据悉,NOV的品牌自1841年以来日益得到用户的认可。为进一步完美及保证产品的最高质量及服务,NOV将产品的生产组织及服务进行了一体化的管理整合。同时在全球最先进的培训中心加强对服务人员的技术培训。丁左先生告诉记者:“生产制造方面,我们要求所有产品在出厂前100%满足高质量的测试及检验,严格把关。将售后质量服务减到最小;建立了集备件及服务维修一体的钻机服务中心。开发并建立了全球e-Hawk 24/7(全天24小时,每周七天)式在线服务网络,以达到最快的用户服务请示响应机制,以满足用户对NOV产品系统在应用中的诊断,应急及服务支持;充分利用NOV遍布全球的170多个分销网络服务中心和NOV的现场备件支持技术,为用户提供完整快捷的供应链管理服务。” 




National Oilwell Varco is the leading provider for the worldwide oil and gas industry and has been dedicated to providing the highest quality oilfield products and services for more than 140 years. National Oilwell Varco is the single source for all of your rig equipment, integrated systems, downhole tools, and supply chain solutions. From a spare part to a comprehensive drilling system and from a generic valve to a fully integrated supply chain process, National Oilwell Varco delivers unlimited customer solutions.

By constantly developing and acquiring new technologies and services to better serve future customer requirements, National Oilwell Varco will continue to be the premier source for diversified products and services worldwide. Recently, the reporter had an interview with Zhou Mi, the sales manager of NOV China, and Ding Zuo, the communication manager of Lanzhou LS-NOW. 

Sustaining profitability in future competition 

Now large oil fields are being developed and new oil fields remain to be developed. The international oil companies have started to target difficult places such as deep sea, desert and icy alpine regions. As the oil price is high now, Zhou said that as an executive of National Oilwell Varco that has a century-long history, the key to competition in oil exploration is equipment. The rising oil price has increased the possibility of oil companies operating in originally high-cost regions. In foreign countries, proved reserves and recoverable reserves are important indicators of long-term development potential for oil companies. To sustain profitability of these oil companies is dependent on their oil exploration and development of new regions. However, the space for oil exploration and development on land and in shallow sea is increasingly limited, which has put difficult or even impossible development mission on the agenda. As a result, new technology and equipment have become indispensable for these operations. Oil exploration and development companies must constantly improve their equipments to sustain their profitability in future competition.

It is reported that the core technology of NOV has been leading the world's drilling equipment and technology. In 1981, the first top-drive was produced. And the non-stop reacting cycle drilling well system was launched in 2004. Recently, series of new products have been launched one by one, such as fast drilling rigs, screw drills and intelligent drill pipes and so on. According to Zhou, NOV’s products cover most areas of the drilling equipment sector, such as the derrick, winch, e-driller, top drive, control scheduling system, iron workers drilling, power kava , elevator power, power anchor, Martin Updike drilling instrumentation, Brandt solid set of control equipment, Shaffer blowout preventer, BJ wellhead tool etc. Figuratively speaking, NOV’s products contain all the equipment and tools in the drilling process. 

Rising oil price and high-technology development 

According to the reporter, many domestic compaies wonder: Where is NOV in terms of its technology and service overseas? How does NOV cope with increasing difficulty in oil exploration and development across the world? Is this an opportunity or a challenge? Zhou gave his answer to these questions. Zhou said, in the international market, as an oilfield service provider, NOV ranks third (Table 1), and its business scope covers drilling, well completion and production, three links of the six upstream and downstream links. Oil drilling equipments of NOV are first-rate in the world. Oil exploration and development has raised higher requirements for equipment manufacturers. The key to maintaining your competitiveness is to keep developing new products and technologies, and you cannot seize the opportunity if you don’t face the challenge. 

What is the impact of the current rising oil price over NOV? Will NOV try to make the products more technology intensive or update the products? Or will NOV try to find new solutions? Zhou told the reporter, the rising oil price has contributed to growing demand for equipments, particularly for competitive products of NOV. The output and orders have grown dramatically in the past three years.

Besides, the increasing orders have encouraged NOV to place higher premium on R&D of products. While improving the technology of the current products, NOV is also strengthening development of more cutting-edge equipments, such as six-cylinder pump and continuous cycle drilling equipment, which is totally different from traditional equipments. As reliability is the primary focus of oil equipments, all the new technologies will not be accepted by the market without long-term practice.

The rising oil price has also accelerated R&D and use of alternative energies. NOV is also keeping an eye on this. As a century-long company, NOV must eye the technology market five to ten years from now. 

To be a commonplace in the oil equipment sector 

NOV has increasingly become commonplace in the oil equipment sector. The catalog of the company has included all the outstanding brands of various fields. While already operating in 47 countries with over 600 locations, NOV is further increasing its globalization in the coming five years. We hope to raise NOV profit from the global market to 60 percent or a higher level. OTC has been an important stage for companies to show their new products and technologies. From the picture below, you can see new products of NOV at OTC in 2008. Of course they are just part of NOV products.

NOV places innovation at the top of our priority list. We are constantly improving our equipment and finding ways to make the oil field safer and more efficient. We are also utilizing cutting-edge technology to decrease the overall footprint of our equipment as well, such as permanent magnet motors on our cranes, top drives, mud pumps and drawworks.

OTC has been an important stage for companies to show their new products and technologies. From the picture below, you can see new products of NOV in 2008. Of course they are just part of our products.

Ding said, the brand of NOV has been recognized by the world since 1841. To improve and ensure high quality of its products and services, NOV has integrated management of production and services. We are also training our service technicians at state-of-the-art training facilities with all the latest developments in technology.

a. As for production, NOV require 100 percent of products to pass high quality check and testing so as to minimize after-sale service.

b. NOV has set up a drill service center that provides spare parts and maintenance and repair service. It has also set up a 24/7 global online service network called e-Hawk to respond to clients as quickly as possible, so as to support diagnosis and emergency service to clients using NOV products.

c. NOV has also made full use of its world-wide network of over 170 Distribution Service Center to provide complete and rapid supply chain management service to clients, and we are also setting up on rig supply stores, the NOV RigStore, for on site inventory management to keep our customers operational.

Ding said, NOV oil drilling and recovery equipments are highly recognized by China. The growing input into training of local service human resources has made NOV after-sale and installment service more responsive.

With gradual expansion of NOV joint-stock companies (in 2001) and wholly-owned companies (in 2004) in China, NOV China-based drill production base has become an integral part of NOV global supply chain. NOV China-based companies, particularly in terms of three cylinder mud pump and metal structure, have become an important reliable production base for NOV, with their annual export growing over 30 percent in recent years.

关键字: 国民油井 顶驱 
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