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[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2008-11-17 振威石油网 关注度:0]
摘要:  在国家发展改革委、国家能源局、国家信息中心、国家发展改革委能源研究所、美国能源部国家研究中心、中国-欧盟能源环境项目办公室、美国净化空气任务组织等单位共同支持下,由《财经界》杂志社(国家发展改革委主管、国家信息中心主办)主办的2008中...



China Energy and Environment Summit(CEES) will be held on Dec. 12-13 in Beijing, China. 

CEES is the forum for the leaders from authoritative government agencies, industries, R&D organisations, financial institutions, NGO from China and other nations.The key co-supporter/sponsors are:National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC), National Energy Administration, State Information Center, Energy Research Institute of NDRC , National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, EU-China Energy & Environment Programme, U.S Clean Air Task Force, most of energy giants in China ect. The Summit is sponsored by the Journal Money China (authorized by NDRC, managed by State Information Center). 

The subject of the Summit is designed in response to the three global challenges - energy security, environment protection and climate change. The Summit will offer a networking platform to explore the promising future of the energy, power and environment businesses in China with a focus on the sustainable development of China's energy, and environment industry with international cooperation, policies and trends of multi-alternative energies, current situation of energy saving and investment. The main topics include: Energy Policy and Sustainable Development, Energy Policy and Sustainable Development, Dialogue on Energy Substitute and Renewables, Energy Conservation and Environment Protection, Public Policy and Industry Cooperation, Public and Private Funding of Programs.
关键字: 能源环境 高峰论坛 
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