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[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2009-01-15 JPT 关注度:0]
摘要:简介:从致密页岩层采气通常需要大量资金投资在泵上,并且成功的机率很低。贝克石油公司开发出裸眼压裂完井系统以改变这种局面,它能简化压裂操作步骤,并将不盈利的项目转化成盈利。 Producing gas from tight ...

Producing gas from tight shale formations typically requires major pumping investments with little guarantee of success. Baker Oil Tools aims to change this scenario with its Frac-Point Open-Hole Fracture Completion System, designed to simplify the fracturing process and turn otherwise unprofitable projects into moneymakers. 

Fracturing a horizontal, tight-gas well traditionally was done by either pumping frac fluid into the open hole and hoping for the best or isolating multiple zones by repeatedly cementing, plugging, perforating, and fracturing, a process that includes multiple trips, pumping trucks on standby for days at a time, and the expense and risk of perforating. 

Frac-Point is designed to improve this process in several ways. The system eliminates the costly cycle of cementing, plugging, and perforating, and it enables up to eight fracture placements in one trip, with a high degree of accuracy, the company says. The operator gains greater control of the frac treatment and a greater chance of fracturing the entire length of the lateral and increasing production. 

The system consists of four primary components: 

• The liner top packer, a hydraulic set permanent production packer with a tieback sleeve designed to carry up to 200,000 lb of liner assembly
• A short radius open-hole packer, featuring a patented antiextrusion packing element system
• Frac sleeves, including appropriately sized ball seats. The sleeves are actuated open sequentially by deploying balls from the surface, and the balls and seats are designed to be milled up to allow for a full opening production inner diameter to be maintained throughout the system, if needed
• Pressure-actuated sleeves, which are similar to the frac sleeves but do not contain a ball seat. 

The components work in tandem to isolate intervals of a horizontal section and pinpoint fracture treatment placement. Because it is a one-trip system, fracture treatments for each section can be pumped on the same day, which eliminates having to mobilize and demobilize pumping equipment. 

A major challenge of completing high-angle wells in open hole is getting tools through doglegs and other restrictions to total depth. The system’s packers are shorter for navigation through tight spots, and the company’s torque and drag software estimates the probability of reaching total depth. 

To determine the economic feasibility of a project, the company’s reservoir analysis team models different completion scenarios and estimates well deliverability for specific well parameters. The process takes into account factors like reservoir size, temperature, pressure, permeability, fracture properties and projected gas prices.

关键字: baker frac completion 
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