简介:一家专注于海洋石油市场的公司Argus Subsea,近日推出一种AZ-10海底采油树,该系统专门为时间紧迫,需要快速实施的边际油田开发和快速跟踪项目而设计,可以为运营商带来上百万元的效益。
Argus Subsea, a company focusing on the early production subsea market, recently unveiled the AZ-10 subsea tree. The unique, purpose-built system was designed specifically for marginal-field developments and fast-tracked projects, where time is critical and quicker deployment can lead to millions of dollars of increased profitability for operators.
The AZ-10 is fully ready for deployment off the shelf, which Argus Subsea says will help customers deploy faster than ever before. The tree features a completely concentric tree and hanger system and can be manufactured and installed in a fraction of the time required for conventional horizontal and vertical subsea trees.
The Argus AZ-10 provides an easier installation experience for operators, requiring less manpower and leading to safer, more cost-effective production than with conventional horizontal or vertical trees. The AZ-10 requires only five tools to install, versus 24 for a typical vertical tree or 37 for a horizontal tree. The mono-bore vertical tree weighs less than 50,000 lbs, can be handled by all cranes without disassembly, and can be installed with Gen II or newer semi subs. These features provide for smaller crews and fewer third-party services.

The AZ-10 features a patented universal tubing hanger and running tool system that is factory assembled, easily transported, and ready for quick wellhead and tree interface. The system is extremely flexible and compatible with wellhead equipment from any of the major service providers regardless of profile and any BOP stack.
“The Argus AZ-10 has the ability to reduce the drilling and completion cost for a subsea completion by more than 40 percent, while reducing the first oil schedule by 15 months,” said Carl Aubrey, General Manager of Argus Subsea. “This enables the operator to reduce drilling and completion cost by $10 million or more.”
“There has been a strong demand in the production market for a highly reliable subsea tree that will significantly reduce the costs and time required to reach first oil in marginal fields,” Aubrey continued. “Argus has been able to develop a tree that accomplishes just that but doesn’t sacrifice performance or safety, which will allow companies to reap significant financial benefits.”
All of the AZ-10 components and assemblies have been designed and validated using API specifications 6A and 17D under the API Q-1/ISO 29001 Quality System Standard requirements. The components also comply with applicable MMS requirements such as API Specification 6AV1, one of the industry’s most stringent testing standards for subsea valves and actuators.
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