简介:英国Fotech公司在一煤层气田安装首套用于监控产层数据的井下精确分布声波光纤系统,用于获取有用数据。该系统的两大基本构件是低成本通信光纤和提供声波变化信息的Helios问答器 。每隔一米光纤记录一次地下声波数据,也即意味着定位精度达到1米。

K-based Fotech Solutions has installed the world’s first dedicated downhole distributed acoustic optical-fiber system using its new Helios monitoring solution. In service for one month in a coalbed methane (CBM) well, the system has already provided valuable data on gas-flow profiles across the production intervals, the company says.
The system comprises two elements?a low-cost telecoms-grade optical-fiber cable and the Helios interrogator, which Fotech calls “the heart of the system.” Helios provides acoustic or vibration information along the entire length of the installed optical fiber to obtain multiple-event information, event characterization, and highly accurate event location.
An acoustic signal is recorded at each meter along the fiber, meaning that the system can detect and position an event to an accuracy of 1 m and can distinguish separate events more than 2 m apart. The fiber can be laid near a pipeline or installed in a borehole.
The system was installed in a CBM well in Scotland for
Composite Energy of Stirling, UK in August 2009. In addition to downhole flow data, the system has also provided information on the condition of the downhole pump, the location of the water level, and vibrations at the wellhead.
Other potential benefits of the system for this application include:
- Locating and monitoring sand production
- Casing/tubing integrity
- Cross flow
The easily installed Helios system also has remote-control capability and can be deployed in a range of other oil and gas applications, including production monitoring, integrity assurance, flowline movement, flow assurance, and leak detection.
Don Sharples, technical manager, Composite Energy, said: “Initial results from the Fotech fiber are very encouraging. The technology collects data which is not available from other downhole sensors and will give Composite the ability to determine which coals are producing in any given well.”
Alan Piesse, cofounder and executive vice president of Fotech Services, said: “We see a strong future for the system in monitoring gas flow in CBM wells and other applications. For the first time, flow can be seen and heard entering and moving in the well and quantified in real time. We hope to continue monitoring Composite Energy’s CBM wells and look forward to a close working relationship with them.”
Further information can be obtained from the Fotech Solutions website.
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