简介:Fugro 重力与磁勘探服务公司最近对外发布其MagCUBE 技术,这种新型地磁定位工具,旨在提高水平钻井过程中随钻测量(MWD)的准确度,从而降低风险和投资成本。

Fugro Gravity & Magnetic Services has launched its MagCUBE technology, a new geomagnetic referencing tool aimed at improving the accuracy of measurement while drilling (MWD) in directional-drilling applications, thus reducing risk and lowering costs.
MWD generally refers to the real-time evaluation of physical properties such as wellbore trajectory in 3D space, while drilling the wellbore. Geomagnetic referencing is one MWD application, in which geomagnetic measurements in the wellbore are compared to estimates of the earth's magnetic field to determine the well path.
To achieve the accuracies required for directional drilling, the geomagnetic measurements must capture the three main components of the local magnetic field: the main field of the earth, the crustal field, and the disturbance field. While the main field and disturbance field can be determined using models and measured during drilling, the crustal field—which consists of induced and remanent magnetization within the rocks making up the earth's crust—must be determined by using magnetic data from land, marine, or airborne surveys.
MagCUBE utilizes the magnetic intensity measured from these surveys by geomagnetically referencing it to magnetic survey data measured in the wellbore. This provides a more precise subsurface anomaly vector, resulting in fewer costly sidetracks and a more accurate well path.
Fugro states that the geomagnetic referencing enhancement afforded by MagCUBE provides significant cost savings to the overall project by providing more accurate, real-time data on well position while corrections to trajectory are still possible. In addition, the technology minimizes the costs associated with extra rig time required to run a post-drill gyroscopic survey.
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