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[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2010-03-15 全球石油网 关注度:0]
摘要:简介:威德福国际最近利用其新产品,旋转导向钻井系统(RSS),在肯塔基州一干气环境下钻进,通过定位钻进方向,可以保证井眼轨迹更精确,与普通的推进式钻头系统相比,效率大大提高。同时井眼更光滑,也减少了卡钻事故,为更好套管作业做好了准备。 ...


Weatherford International recently completed its first runs using a rotary-steerable system (RSS) to drill with dry air in the Lower Huron formation in Kentucky. The company reports that this is the longest single run with RSS technology in a dry-air environment.
The assembly included a Revolution Plus RSS, a point-the-bit system which orients the drill-bit axis in the desired direction and focuses cutting action on the face of the bit. This reportedly provides for more precise steering on all types of well trajectories, and differentiates itself from push-the-bit systems, which rely on side-force and side-cutting action.

Weatherford states that the Revolution system provides smoother wellbores, which reduces the risk of stuck pipe, provides easier tripping and casing running, and lowers costs for drilling fluid and cement. Smoother wellbores also create easier setting environments for expandable well screens, according to the company.

For the recent dry-air drilling record, the system successfully drilled a 6,125-ft (1,867-m) lateral section with 4 ¾-in. tools, where conventional operations had been limited to a maximum 5,000 ft (1,524 m), the company states. The section was drilled in 46.35 hours at an average penetration rate of 132 ft/hr (40 m/hr) in 100% dry air.

More information on the Revolution RSS can be found  at Weatherford's website.

杨宝剑 是全球石油网的高级技术编辑,在石油技术资讯行业有八年的学识和经验。他源源不断地提供石油行业全球最新的技术创新、研发成果、现场应用情况等信息。如果你对“新技术新产品”的内容有任何问题或建议,请联系杨宝剑编辑Email:allenyo#zhenweiexpo.com (#变为@)欢迎您提供手中的最新技术文章!

关键字: 威德福 旋转导向 
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