
[加入收藏][字号: ] [时间:2016-06-12  来源:欧及易油气设备数据网  关注度:0]
摘要: 根据交易消息人士传递的招标文件细节,首批LNG货物在6月3日和5日之间已被装上了SonangolSambizanga号油轮。消息人士说,投标的截止时间是6月13日早晨。 美国雪佛龙公司拥有安哥拉LNG厂36.4%的股...
    Angola LNG Returns to Market with June Lifting
   June 7, 2016
    Angola's recently refurbished liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project launched a tender late on Sunday to sell its first cargo since the plant was unexpectedly shutdown in April 2014, trade sources said.
    According to tender document details relayed by traders, the cargo was loaded between June 3 and 5 on board the SonangolSambizanga tanker and bid submissions are due on the morning of June 13, trade sources said.
    After producing a limited number of cargoes, Angola LNG will then be shut down again for additional testing, sources said.
    Chevron has a 36.4 percent share in the plant, while Angolan state oil firm Sonangol has 22.8 percent. Other stakeholders include Total, BP and ENI.据国外媒体6月7日安卡拉报道,交易消息人士说,安哥拉最近翻新的LNG出口项目周日(5日)晚些时候启动了一次旨在出售LNG的招标,这将是安哥拉LNG厂在2014年4月被意外关闭以来出口的第一船LNG货物。

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