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  ·Beyond Sand Control: Using Expandable Systems For An

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上 传 者:Alex1989 下载次数:0
上传时间:2010-07-09 13:26:40

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  详细介绍: 发表评论   
This paper discusses the planning and application of
expandable systems to provide effective open-hole sand
control with zonal isolation. It will present a case history of
the world’s first completion set inside an expandable system to
provide a single selective well, where one could selectively
produce, or commingle from different zones. Control of the
formation sand was provided by expandable screen, open-hole
zonal isolation by expandable packers with solid pipe and a
conventional completion packer set inside expanded solid pipe
for selectivity. The expandable system was run in a synthetic
oil base drilling fluid that was used to inhibit swelling of
exposed shale.
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