Reservoir characterization and modeling from pore to field scale of the Hugoton and
Panoma Fields in Kansas and Oklahoma provides a comprehensive view of a mature
giant Permian gas system and aids the estimation of original gas in place and the nature
and distribution of gas saturation and reservoir properties.Multi section flow simulations
validate the static model;provide further understanding of the differentially depleted
layered reservoir system and estimates future production performance.Both the
knowledge gained and the techniques and workflow employed have implications for
understanding and modeling reservoir systems worldwide that have similar geologic age
and reservoir architecture(e.g.,Gwahar and North fields,Arabian Gulf).The Kansas-
Oklahoma portion of the field has yielded 963-billion m3(34 tcf)gas over a seventy-year
period from over 12,000 wells,an estimated 65%of the original gas in place.Most
remaining gas is in lower permeability pay zones of the 170-meter thick,differentially
depleted,layered reservoir system.