Development of the Hugoton/Panoma Field model has required automated processing of
large data volumes at several steps,including prediction of lithofacies from geophysical
well logs in numerous wells based on a neural network trained on log-facies associations
observed in cored wells,generation of geologic controlling variables(depositional
environment indicator and relative position in cycle)from a tops dataset,and
computation of porosities corrected for mineralogical variations between facies and for
washouts.In addition,we have developed code for batch processing the predicted facies
and corrected porosities at the wells to estimate water saturations and original gas in
place using petrophysical transforms and height above free water level,providing a
quickly computed measure of the plausibility of the geomodel.This chapter describes the
data management and facies prediction tools developed for this project,which we have
provided in the form of two Excel workbooks and an Excel add-in.Having automation
tools allowed us to efficiently handle large volumes of data and the ability to perform the
multiple iterations required to test preliminary and intermediate algorithms and solutions.