The Hugoton field lies on the west side of the Hugoton embayment of the Anadarko
basin and is bounded to the northwest by the Las Animas arch and to the northeast by the
Central Kansas uplift.The Anadarko basin is an asymmetric foreland basin associated
with the early Pennsylvanian Ouchita-Marathon orogeny,and the Hugoton Embayment
and the rest of the Kansas shelf form the flatter side of the asymmetry(Figure 2.1).The
Anadarko basin was initiated,and had its greatest subsidence,in Pennsylvanian
Morrowan time with subsidence rates decreasing through the Permian.The basin was
nearly y filled by the end of Wolfcampian time when the Anadarko basin was covered by
shelf carbonates(Kluth and Coney,1981;Rascoe and Adler,1983;Kluth,1986;Perry,